When it comes to lowering your health insurance premiums it takes no rocket scientist to figure out how it’s done. If you’re trying to reduce your insurance premiums then you need to become less of a risk for the insurance companies. You can become less of a risk for insurance companies through exercise, eating healthy and preventative care.
If you’re not exercising at least three times per week then you have got to get on a program. A good program consists of you doing cardiovascular training three times per week for 45 minutes. You should be weight training at least twice per week for 30 minutes. For some, getting to the gym might be out of the question. If it’s difficult for you to get to the gym, then take up some other form of exercise including walking, running, hiking and sports.
If you’re not currently eating 5-6 meals per day then you have got to get on the band wagon. All nutritional experts agree on the principle of grazing throughout the day, taking in smaller portions for meals. When you are doing this you are allowing your body to digest food much easier thus creating a faster metabolism. When your metabolism speeds up then you are able to lose weight and get in shape. Along with eating five to six meals per day also remember to eat healthy. The best part about eating healthy is that there are many options for healthy food. The best tip for eating healthy is to keep it as natural as possible. Try to avoid processed food at all costs.
Preventative care is you being proactive with your body, and going in for a check-up if something feels out of place. Preventive care is you avoiding unnecessary risks that could jeopardize your health. This mindset is you acting, and not being acted upon. If you are truly exercising a preventative attitude then you won’t allow yourself to get obese or unhealthy, because you are in control of your future. If you exercise, eat healthy, and implement preventative health care, you will be able to not only live longer and healthier, but you will also have reduced your health care substantially.