The Art Of Starting A Major Renovation

You have an idea about what you would like to accomplish with your home improvement renovation. You went over it and now the timing is right for you to start and complete in 2 months. Does that sound good? Well hold on there. You need plans, yes plans.

You see the building inspector is also interested in you home improvement project from a building up to code standards point of view. Well, this now involves an architect. I hope you thought of that and figured it into your time allotted for completion. This is the most common mistake a homeowner makes. You see Architects are very busy even more so than a home improvement contractor. Therefore, a home improvement contractor is useless until you can furnish him with plans. In addition, any contractor that says he can build without them is going to make both of your lives very interesting.

Now you must choose an architect. This also is a tricky task. Because they are so busy, you can wait for drawings for months. In addition, you need to scrutinize architects just as you would a builder. Because unbelievably there are some lets just say some architects out there that will not have your deadline in mind.

What have you learned? You need to start the process in the winter so that you can begin the project in the spring. Taking on a major home improvement renovation is a time consuming and stressful decision. You can avoid most of this stress by starting early enough so as not to rush. Then you can save all of your stress for when you are ready to choose cabinets and tile.