Nail Care for, Men? Of Course!

It is often assumed when people mention nail care, that the recipients of such services would be women. Beautiful day spas continue to spring up all over America. These luxurious retreats offer women an escape from their hectic lives and offer some much deserved pampering. Sure, we may see the occasional advertisement for a “couples” massage or maybe even a “male” day at the spa. But when it comes to feet, many people imagine women with beautiful healthy nails polished in exquisite colors and designs.

So what do we do about the large percentage of men who simply need a safe and comfortable place to have their feet and nails professionally cared for? We can’t ignore the needs of thousands of men who are, in fact, perfect candidates for foot and nail care. Nearly 50% of people over the age of 60 have experienced onychomycosis, or toenail fungus. Once this infection takes hold, it can be very difficult to treat. Nails become yellow, thickened and brittle, often requiring the tools and expertise of a medical professional to treat.

Many men have difficulty maintaining good nail care because they cannot reach their feet. Hip and knee replacements are some common reasons, as are arthritis and back pain. Clipping one’s own nails when vision or balance problems exist could become a safety issue. Safety should always be a priority in cutting one’s nails since the possibility of nicking oneself could result in infection. This is especially important for diabetics, where progressive infection could lead to amputation.

Some men have painful corns and calluses which can interfere with their activity level. Regularly reducing rough areas of the feet, adding cushioning to susceptible areas, and moisturizing the feet daily, will delay the return of calluses. This will enable one to continue enjoying an active lifestyle.

Nail care for men needs to become the norm rather than the exception. Those who maintain healthy feet and nails are able to continue to participate in their favorite activities, and have fewer complaints of foot pain.

Some seniors reach a point where they think it is too late for foot care. Please know it is never too late. If you feel embarrassed by the condition of your feet or nails, please schedule a visit to have them cared for by your health care provider or foot care nurse. It will be the first step in a healthier you!