Factors to Consider When Making Custom ID Cards

Custom IDs play a very important role in many settings. They could be used to identify people in conferences, used as entry cards in offices and also to reassure employees of their positions in a company.

Traditionally, many companies made their ID cards in the same format, only making very few changes on the names and logos. However, with the modern technology and invocation, it is possible to come up with custom ID cards. These types of cards are easily created using desktop publishing tools, and anyone can create them.

What To Consider When Making Custom Ids

Whether you choose to create the custom IDs on your own or engage a professional company, you must consider the following factors.

– The purpose

A custom ID meant for an event cannot be designed in the same way as the one meant for an employee. The design and the details to include will always differ. For a seminar, you may need to include: the attendant’s name, the name of the event, location of the event, the affiliation of the attendant with the company holding the seminar and the dates.

An employees ID cards should have the name of the employee, their passport sized photo, their department, company logo and their position in a company. Essentially, the details to include in the ID should be dependent on the purpose of the card.

– Size

It is important to consider a sizeable ID card where all the details should fit in, and be legible to everyone. People must never struggle to read what is written on the ID. However, the size should never be too big and cumbersome to the user.

– Tastes and preferences

The graphics and the shapes used to make custom ID cards should be attractive; nobody wants to carry along an ID unattractive. For a company ID, it is important to find the type that reflects the profession and the theme in an office. An employee should feel proud to produce this ID in any place. An event’s ID should also reflect the events’ theme.

– Costs

It is possible to come up with custom ID cards that are affordable, yet of good quality. Many designers offer a discounted rate for bulk ID printing. Still, by printing the IDs on your own, it will be possible to save on some costs. You must however ensure that the paper material used is of good quality, and can last for long- especially when it comes to employee’s IDS.