From your hard earned money, you have been saving from the day you started working, you are finally capable of planning the construction of your home. But, as you have a set budget and specific demands, you certainly do not want any builder to play with your time, money and emotion.
Therefore, it would be better to walk on the safe side, clarify all the doubts about the local builders. While you plan to hire them, arrange for an interview and ask them about the doubts and concerns you have.
Some of those doubts which you must clarify from your builder are mentioned below.
10 doubts to clarify:
Check Certificate of Insurance:
If he is insured, you will not have to bear the liability and compensation if something happens to him while working on site. Make sure you look for the certificate.
How many years he has given to this industry?
If you have to choose anyone from the list of recommended builders, make sure you ask them this question. It will reveal how expert your builder would be. More the time, more will be the experience and ultimately, you will get the best work!
Does he agree on monthly updates on the completed construction?
As you would pay the money, you have the right to be informed about the completion of the construction every month. Therefore, ask your builder beforehand to keep you updated during the construction.
Does he agree to show his contracting license?
Every city, every county, and every state have a different set of construction parameters to be followed to obtain a license. So, if the builder is a genuine one, he must have the proper license to work in the industry. You must verify the license.
Does he provide you a warranty?
If the chosen builder did not perform well and shown poor workmanship, then you are liable to get it corrected without paying any extra amount. It is your right and warranty is the term that protects it.
Does he provide site clean up after construction?
There are many recommended local builders, who have the site clean service in the checklist. Make sure you also clear your doubts before hiring one of them.
Does he produce the estimated cost in-written?
So, that the builder does not overcharge you in the name of hidden fees, make sure you clear the doubt about the estimated cost. It will safeguard you in future.
Does he store the material and equipment in your home?
It happens that most of the builders tend to store the materials and tools in your home at the end of each working day. You must clear this with the builder so that no future ruckus is experienced.
Does he demand full payment at one time?
No one should clear the total amount of construction in one go. You can give him upfront and schedule the payment according to the step by step completion of the construction project.
Does he provide any compensation if a delay occurs?
If any sort of delay occurs in the completion of the project, would the builder be liable for providing the compensation? If the builder says ‘yes,’ ask things in writing.
You must clear all your doubts regarding these points so that the builder won’t deny later.