So you had been suffering from backache for days, now, you decide that you needed a help. Chiropractors can treat neck pain, back pain, headache, and various other aches and pains that may occur within the body.
The first time you visit them, they will have to ask about your health history and general health condition so they would be able to detect the main cause of the problem and to decide about the best remedy for your condition. Prepare about 30 minutes of your time on your first visit, preceding ones will only last for about 15 minutes or less. The time however would vary depending upon the kind of treatment that your body may call for.
Here are the lists of the things that you can expect on your first visit:
o Chiropractor may ask about your personal and your family medical history
o Ask about some major illnesses that you’ve experienced in the past
o Confirm about surgeries or operations that you had
o Medications or anything that you are currently taking
o Will ask you to describe your present condition
o Steps that you performed in order to deal with your current condition
o Will ask about your diet and exercise
o Check your sleeping habits, work routine, home life, and stress level.
As simple as these questions may seem to be, they are important to the chiropractors since through these set of questions, they can obtain a thorough background of your life in the long run. Answer each question properly and truthfully, it’s for your own good after all.