As morals in medicine are on the verge of decline, it is all the more important to uphold medical ethics in all circumstances. Health care and education are recognized as the basic elements to ensure the survival of society into future generations. If their principles are not built on strong foundations to withstand the constant erosion of values, it is likened to the foolish man who built his house on sand and was washed away by the floods.
Solid principles in delivering health care services revolve around its code of ethics. Challenges may arise in the form of misuse or abuse of medications, procedures, treatments and other forms related to the field. Staff may be harassed or enticed to look the other way. Banking on the assumption of non involvement translating to innocence, the fact remains that knowledge without action is equivalent to condoning the act.
The role of medical ethics within its world of practice and study deserves due recognition. As such, morals in medicine should be a subject consistently extolled in the corridors and halls, drummed into the minds of health care practitioners of all status and levels. It is not sufficient for the general to be the only party aware of the enemy’s presence. The troops also need to be equipped to do battle.
As the world is a melting pot of cultures and religions, there is a need to understand the various styles of living so as not to overstep one’s boundaries and cause a misunderstanding. A practice of medical service which may be acceptable to a people group may be taboo to another. Some religions do not adhere to blood transfusions. More radical ones may choose to not seek treatment as they believe in healing via means other than the hands of man. Hence, one needs to be sensitive in dealing with such situations as medical ethics dictates the saving of lives.