Absolutely! Why not give a gift that will last for years to come? Home repair training can not only give someone skills and know how for their own use, but skills which are easily marketable as well. In these lean times, giving a gift of a second income is giving a great gift indeed.
Christmas is the time we celebrate the life of a carpenter, and our savior. Christ said to give a man a fishing pole, rather than a fish, that he may eat for a lifetime. Home repair training is a great fishing pole, is it not? With the skills learned, a person can solve their own home repair problems, as well as solve those of his neighbors for a reasonable profit, thereby they can eat for a lifetime, so to speak.
Training of any kind is a perfect gift because it is so portable; knowledge goes where ever you go. It doesn’t take up any space, either. Training will allow a person to go anywhere, and make their own living when they get there. I have used the knowledge I have in 48 states and 17 countries. Things break everywhere, and someone has to fix them.
Home repair skills lead to home improvement skills too. Before you know it you’ll be able to build things you never thought you could before, projects once beyond reach become a matter of just doing them in your spare time.
There is no better gift for a person than training, and home repair training is a gift that will give back a hundred fold.