Even Superman should have health insurance. Amusingly, most of us who struggle with health coverage are similar to Superheroes and their woes. We encounter problems with obtaining health insurance for a number of reasons. Either our employers do not provide it, the costs are too high, or the plan does not adequately suit our needs. Superman is self-employed, does not produce an income, and has an incredibly risky profession, which includes daily injuries and a high possibility of death each day.
If Superman attempted to get health insurance from most companies in the United States, it is rather probable he would get rejected over and over again.
Some of us believe we are indestructible, like Superman, and we do not opt for health insurance because it seems unnecessary. However, a lot of people would love to have the security knowing their well-being is covered, yet simply know they cannot afford it. Regardless, whatever the reasoning behind your choice to ‘wing-it,’ is, it is crucial to your health, security and emotional state that you reconsider.
It is no secret the United State’s health care system has flaws. Politicians have been trying to amend these flukes for decades, and it is constantly an issue that resurfaces during each presidential election. While it will be some time before any revolutionary changes are observed in our system, now is the time for you to change your outlook on health insurance options.
Certain states are worse off in their status’s of having heath insurance. Health insurance companies need to come to rescue for Texan inhabitants. Texas has one of poorest ratios of those who have health insurance coverage to those who do not. Currently, 1 in 4 Texans do not. That is 25% of the population!
Every individual comes with a unique situation. Be smart. Protect yourself. Indestructible or not, you never know when a freak accident or sickness will occur and leave you broke and emotionally shattered.