An Appreciation of Louisa Lust – Teaching Naturopathy

Many times in a business it is a married couple who work together to produce stellar results. This was the case with Louisa Lust (1869-1925). The wife of celebrated naturopathy Benedict Lust she worked with him to open the American School of Naturopathy in New York.

Before the partnership Louisa already had a name in the nature cure world and used time honored traditions as:
o Hydrotherapy
o Vegetarian diet
o Air and light baths
o Rational life style

German born Louisa studied the nature cure methods of Rikli and Kuhne in London prior to moving to the United States. She established a practice in the USA but continued her studies at Columbia Institute, then in 1901 married Benedict Lust. Their 25 year partnership established Naturopathy as a medical force with lasting impact in the United States. As a cook she prepared tasty meals and wrote: Practical Naturopathic Vegetarian Cookbook in 1907. She tells us:
o A large part of food among Americans is composed of white flour, sugar, and butter. People who try to live on such stuff gradually starve to death
o We lengthen our life with a frugal diet
o We shorten our life by eating too much
o Feed the sick little so little digestive work is needed

Louisa was dedicated to bring out the attributes of a healthy home where light, air, cleanliness, and a good diet would keep a person healthy. She believed in a common sense approach to health that trusted “The Life Force Within”. That what people needed was:
o Freedom from fear
o Mastery of hygiene

Louisa made sure she knew the individual and correspond treatments to their circumstance and experience. Louisa believed there was no better treatment than hydrotherapy and the use of water. If an acute disease struck to use a steam bath, and every day take a cool bath. She believed that fever was the vital force trying to get rid of toxic materials and poison and not to stop it. She advised no solid food and the organs will cure the issue naturally. Louisa Lust spent her life in the pursuit of helping others help themselves. Her lessons are still valid today.