Steam Carpet Cleaning Equipment

Carpet steam cleaners use a variety of different carpet cleaning equipment. There are gas powered truck mounted machines, electric truck mounted machines and electric portable machines. This article will provide you with the basic differences between these machines.

The first machine is a gas truck mount carpet cleaner. This is one of the most common machines used in the carpet cleaning industry. This machine uses either the trucks engine or a separate gas engine to drive a vacuum blower and water pump. These machines have the capacity to provide the greatest amount of vacuum and the highest heat. They are the preferred piece of steam cleaning equipment because of their power, speed and efficiency. With this machine, the cleaner only needs to bring 2 hoses into your home. This eliminates the need to bring bulky equipment into your hose and decreases noise in your home.

Electric truck mounted cleaners are another type of carpet cleaning machine. They are similar to gas truck mounts but they use an electric motor to drive a vacuum blower and water pump. They are nice because they are a little more environmentally friendly and they are much quieter to run. They do not provide as much vacuum power as gas powered machines but do an adequate job. With this machine a cleaner also only needs to bring 2 hoses into your home.

The last machine I will discuss is a portable carpet cleaning machine. This machine uses electricity to power a vacuum motor and water pump. All of the equipment is located in a portable assembly that the cleaner will bring into your home. This machine is great for areas not serviceable by truck mounted machines like apartments and high rises. It does not provide as much power as the the truck mount machines but it has enough power to get the job done. The drawback of this machine is that the cleaner must bring it into your home and it can be loud and cumbersome to use.

While there are other carpet cleaning machines, these are the 3 most common steam cleaners. Remember, carpet cleaning machines are just tools. Even the best machine will not get the job done with a bad operator. You should choose your carpet cleaning service based on the skill, ethics and motivation of your carpet cleaner.

Does Your Business Have This Kind Of Flexibility?

How much flexibility do you have in your business?

One of the biggest advantages of the Information Marketing business is that it truly is a business you can do from anywhere.

Sometimes things happen and you have to be away from your business for periods of time. Sometimes, events come up that require you to be away unexpectedly… even when you have appointments on my calendar, and it’s great to have the flexibility to be able to go handle situations or to support a family member, and not miss a beat in your business.

And, if you can do that without rescheduling a bunch of things because you can do business with a phone and a laptop. Or an iPad or some other kind of tablet or device like that.

You don’t have to miss coaching and consulting clients calls. Whether you have an information marketing business or you have a brick and mortar business, you should think about whether or not you have your business set up in a way that allows you to do things in your life as they happen and as they come up, that you want to be doing. That’s why you opened your own business, right?

You wanted freedom, You wanted to make more money – or at least have some control over it, you wanted the time freedom and do the things you want to do.

So, if you’re missing out on things with your kids, or things with your spouse or partner because of your business – and it’s happening on a regular basis, you might want to think about how you have things set up in your business.

You don’t need to get a new business, or be in the information business (but it’s a great adjunct and it’s a great lifestyle business). How can you make your business meet your lifestyle?

Have you ever been told you live to work? Most people work to live.

How much flexibility do you currently have in your life and business? How much would you like to have in your life, to be able to do more fun things, to be able to travel, or own another home or buy an RV or jewelry, or more time with your kids?

It doesn’t have to be about things, because in the long run, it’s not the things that are important, it’s the time that you get and the time freedom you have.

Business Growth Leveraging Your Personal Brand

Marketing is like sex. Everyone thinks they’re good at it.

– Steve Tobak

We are in a golden age of solopreneurs: independent, innovative experts who are turning the traditional working model on its head. No longer content with working under layers of organizational management, workers around the globe are increasingly making the decision to take full control of their careers. To carve their own niche and capitalize on their skills. To join the solo revolution.

And you are one of them. A revolutionary!

Creating your own brand has never been easier. With the explosion of social media, solopreneurs have immediate access to billions of people around the world. You can speak directly to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Likewise, the number of services and products consumers have instant access to is infinite. Neither business nor buyer is bound by location anymore.

It is an incredibly liberating age. But it’s also one that some entrepreneurs and businesses find overwhelming.

We’re Living in a Digital-First World

In his book Ctrl Alt Delete, Mitch Joel discusses the term “digital first”. He reveals the five key movements that organizations must embrace to future-proof themselves – or go out of business. One of these shifts is the fact that now, the first place your brand and business are validated is online. Essentially, the internet and social media have the power to make or break your chances of success.

Serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk is a great example of how to cultivate a successful business by leveraging digital media. Born in the Soviet Union in 1975, Vaynerchuk immigrated to the United States in 1978. From humble beginnings, his father went on to own a liquor store in New Jersey. In the early days of the digital-first world, Vaynerchuk could see the burning potential of his father’s business. After graduating from college, Vaynerchuk transformed the liquor shop into a retail wine store, which he named the Wine Library. In 2006, he started a daily video blog, Wine Library TV. This hugely popular webcast turned him into an internet celebrity. It attracted 90,000 viewers a day and led to a flurry of TV and speaking engagements. In just six years, Vaynerchuk grew the family business from $1 million a year to a whopping $50 million a year.

Not too bad for a small family business, right?

So, as you can see, traditional marketing has been blown out of the water. We’re no longer restricted to cold calling and setting up meeting after meeting to generate leads and sales. Digital marketing has opened an array of cost-effective avenues for self-promotion and lead generation. Sales are now about leveraging your social networks, engaging with people online and educating.

This is, essentially, the social sales model: (see link below)

Today, the businesses and entrepreneurs that make the most impact on their audiences are role models. They’re trusted advisers who create tribes – powerful online communities that help their brands grow. They educate and provide solutions. They’ve jumped on board the social sales train and embrace the connection economy whole-heartedly. Because if you don’t, you get left behind.

But we can’t rest on our laurels. We must build on this massive sales reform and look to the future. We must become industry ambassadors. We must become thought leaders who engage meaningfully with our followers, share generously of our expertise and regard our audiences not just as leads or dollar signs, but as lifetime partnerships.

Why Stand Out from the Crowd

Solopreneurs are the way of the future. They account for 61% of Australian businesses[1]. And with the advent of freelance sites such as Upwork, 99designs, Freelancer and Airtasker, an increasing number of Australians are freelancing. According to freelance marketplace Elance-oDesk, 30% of the Australian workforce – or 3.7 million people – undertake some sort of freelance work[2].

Digital marketing presents an enormous opportunity for solopreneurs. According to Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange, the average person spends two hours a day on the internet. Furthermore, IBM’s Global CEO Study found that CEOs believe social media utilization for customer engagement will increase by 256% over five years. This means social media will become the second-most popular way to engage customers after face-to-face communication.

Social media has created a level playing field. It’s cheap and readily available. You don’t need large amounts of money to build a business. You don’t even need an existing client base – you can start one from scratch online. The internet has given everyone the potential to create a successful solo business.

But there’s a downside to this equal opportunity. Despite the accessibility of social media, one of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs continue to face is finding leads and retaining clients.

The digital marketplace means you’re competing against everyone else with a business like yours. You can’t simply create a LinkedIn or Facebook account and expect clients to come to you. How will they know you’re there? What makes you stand out? When everyone else is pushing their own unique selling point, what will make people choose you?

In a world where customers have immediate access to information on every kind of business around the world, it’s hard to cut through the noise. To gain that competitive edge, you must create a connection.

Being a solopreneur is not enough. You must bond with your audience by offering more than your products and services alone. You need to educate, lead and gain trust. You need to make a real difference to the lives of your clients.

Position, Position, Position

Positioning is fundamental to creating trust and having influence. It’s more than just creating an image. It’s about owning your space in your industry. It’s about flexing your expertise, starting conversations, changing the game, creating engaging content and enlightening others. It’s about being the go-to expert for peers and clients needing guidance.

And it’s what leads to sales.

When you have a rock-solid positioning, your return on investment is second to none. Digital media and technology company Burst Media’s 2014 Influencer Marketing Benchmarks Report found that on average, marketers who implemented an Influencer marketing program in 2014 received $6.85 in earned media value for every $1 of paid media.[3] The primary tools used in Influencer marketing were:

Blog posts
Social syndication and branded content distribution
Influencers and influential content

Blogs. Content. Social media. These are indispensable, cost-effective tools if you want to elevate your positioning from business owner to leading industry expert. And they are what will build your audience’s trust in you.

Constitutes Ethical Company

I wanted to explore the meaning behind the word ‘ethical’ in this day and age, and how some companies manage to slip through the net using marketing tactics.

I have recently read articles praising companies who are considered the most ethical – there is a list of these illustrious and successful business ventures of 2013, 2014 etc. – and they are set up as the benchmark for the rest of us. I opened the list in anticipation of seeing estimable companies mentioned, but was horrified to see a number of corporations on the list who are known to create products that compromise health or are involved in deforestation or child labor – to name but a few crimes against humanity.

Even if a company is taking steps to become more ethical, surely they shouldn’t be allowed on such a list until they have some substantial history in ethical practice. These questions immediately came to mind – “who on earth compiles these lists and what is their agenda?” “Are they genuinely ignorant of the practices of these companies, or is profit the only criteria?” Or even worse – “Is ethical practice now being judged by the 80/20 rule?”

So, what is considered an ethical company in this day and age?


Is it all about how a company treats their employees? If the people that work for them are treated well, getting decent salaries and benefits – does that make the company ethical?

If their employees have protective clothing while they are spraying the planet with toxic chemicals – does that make the company ethical because it is looking after its own?

If employees are given the benefit of cheap food and clothing in the form of company discounts, is the company ethical if the food is the end product of compromised ingredients and tortured animals?

If job opportunities and helping the economy is stated as being a valid reason for companies to start business ventures that poison the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat, I have to ask – who benefits?


Or maybe being seen as ethical is all about a brilliant marketing campaign. A campaign which makes the general public feel all warm and fuzzy – full of cute animals, young children or a celebrity or two – or maybe all of the above if the company has unlimited finance to throw at it. We are presented with an emotional roller coaster ride which dulls the senses and convinces people of its sincerity and authenticity, because it’s just so darn pretty!

For example, the food and drink industries are money machines that can employ the most ingenious and brilliant of marketers who are capable of blindsiding the uninformed into believing every word they say. A lot of them churn out addictive products which lack nutrition and create severe health problems through the addition of ingredients which kill brain cells, and generally attack the organs of the body. However, that seems to be acceptable because their marketing campaigns bring people together in happy food and drink related ways, and their packaging is so bright and colorful and the wording so reassuring – natural, farm fresh – got to be true, yes?

It comes to mind that some of the most successful confidence tricksters and serial killers come in a very pleasing physical package. It is because they are good looking that they are able to get close to their victims, but beautiful on the outside doesn’t necessarily mean beautiful on the inside. I think this rule applies to companies and their marketing campaigns as well.

We are surrounded by marketing images which promote ‘beauty’! These images not only corrupt and destroy people’s self-confidence, but they also set the precedence that beauty is best. Therefore, in our subconscious we link beauty to all that is good, and we dismiss all that is not beautiful, according to the current standards set by the media and marketing industry.

I lived in the Algarve, Portugal for a couple of years and while I was there I knew people who had orange trees on their land. They were the sweetest oranges I’d ever tasted in my life, yet none of those oranges would have reached supermarket shelves. The reason why is that they were all ‘ugly’ fruit – they weren’t tampered with in order to make them visually pleasing. I was told by the owner of the orange grove that the ugly fruit were the sweetest, and that is something I think is worth remembering, because it opens our minds and we won’t so easily be seduced by beauty if we know there is a viable alternative.

Charitable Donations

If a cosmetics company donates money to eradicate skin cancer they have to be ethical, right? People will think that they are wonderful and more readily buy their products. However, what if that same company includes ingredients in its products which can cause cancer – aren’t they just creating a market for themselves? It bears thinking about!

If a food or drink company gives donations to schools in the form of IT or sports equipment etc., is it really an altruistic act? They often get returns in the form of advertising on the premises and massive hikes in sales as the word spreads about their good deeds. Not forgetting that they are creating a new generation of people who will be addicted to their products.

Charitable donations also need to be a win/win situation. The people needing help are no lesser beings than the people giving it, just because they don’t have financial wealth. They shouldn’t be exploited in the name of profit.

I think we need to remember that the companies that give lots of money to charity are usually companies that can easily afford it. It doesn’t hurt them at all, in fact it often benefits them – they don’t feel the pinch. There are many companies that give money open-heartedly and genuinely help everyone they touch, and there are those that give money in order to gain goodwill and a rise in sales. It is our job to find out which is which.

So what percentage between donations and damage constitutes ethical by today’s standards? Is it 25%/75% or does it need to be 50%/50%? Who makes these decisions and what is their agenda? It doesn’t seem to be the health and well being of the planet, that’s for sure.


I suggest that before we decide that a company is ethical we look deeply into the face of that company, look into its eyes and see its soul. Remember that a beautiful face is no indicator of a beautiful soul – the eyes are the windows of the soul and by looking deeply into them you will be able to discern whether it’s transparent or deceptive.

My father was a magician, a member of the Inner Magic Circle, and when I was growing up I used to watch him practice. He told me to always watch the hand that seemed to be doing nothing – and that has taught me a valuable life lesson. So when a company or institution of any sort puts forth a spectacular display which draws my attention, I drag my eyes away from where the lights are shining and look into the shadows to see what they are hiding, what is it they don’t want me to see? If after careful scrutiny and research I find there is nothing being hidden, then I deem that company ethical and sit back and enjoy the show!

I am not for one minute telling anyone what to think, or what to do. What I humbly suggest is that everyone looks carefully at the decisions they make, and the companies they support by either using their services or buying their products. Then each of us will know that we aren’t being led by the nose into compromising our own set of values and what we personally believe in.

The bottom line is that if people, animals and the planet are being negatively impacted by a company’s products or services, that company is not ethical – no matter how much they give to charity, or how many heart-warming marketing campaigns they launch. They are shirking their responsibility towards all living things in the name of profit. That is the truth!

I would love to hear your comments and what the word ‘ethical’ means to you personally.

Sue is the Founder of Soulfully Connecting. The idea behind Soulfully Connecting is to demonstrate that there are other ways of living which can heal the earth, the animal kingdom and ourselves. She is passionate about people having freedom of choice, which is only possible when they know about all the options.

A Look At The Various Benefits of Installing The Retractable Awnings

If your residence is at a place which has no natural shade then you better contemplate about the summer months which won’t offer you any shade at all. The solution is to use residential retractable awnings and in this regard there are different types of such awnings to choose from, there are the stationary awnings, attached to the house. Yet another option is to use residential retractable awnings. These awnings can be pushed in or pulled out whenever needed. Residential retractable awnings offer shade, they offer sunlight when retracted.

The following are some of the important benefits of the retractable patio awnings for yard.

1) Get Protection from the Sun

The residential retractable awnings offer sun protection, particularly if you prefer to relax in your yard. Such awnings are useful as they offer sun protection to the users. The users of such awnings can enjoy reading books, or relishing something tasty food item avoiding the heat of the summer sun.

2) A Nice Tool for Enjoying in Your Backyard

The residential retractable awnings extend the home comfort to the yard which usually is considered the exteriors of a residential apartment. The users often use a pillow, and in a relax mood avoid the harsh external climatic conditions. Not just the summer sun, the awnings can also serve as a tool for relaxation during the rains.

3) Block the Sun Heat without the View

Using the retractable awnings, the user can simply avoid the harsh climatic conditions whether rains or summer heat. The interesting thing is that such structures do protect from the intense heat during the summer season without blocking the view. The users can relax underneath the yawning, enjoy the sights and sounds of the exterior, and be it the sight of an ocean, view of the valley and so on.

4) Money Saving

The residential retractable awnings save money by cutting energy bills. In the summer season, the awnings prevent the sun heat to enter into the interiors and it helps keep the house environment cool and relaxing. The residents may not have to use house cooling appliances like the Air Conditioners and because of which the user can cut electricity bills, save money.

5) Customization for Home Use

One of the important benefits of using the awnings is that the user can customize them to fit varied style and preferences. There are these structures available in the market which more often enhances the look and appearance of the house. They are available in a variety of attractive colors, styles and fabrics to suit the needs of the user.

If you are keen on purchasing these items online, check the internet and there you get a number of e-stores which offer these items at the best prices. There are many things that you may want to check while buying these items. Undoubtedly the price is one consideration that you may want to make. Besides that, you may like to buy the retractable awnings based on their color, the styles and the fabrics that are used. If you make proper choice of the item when buying it then you can expect to enhance the overall appearance of your house. The process of buying these items is not new. Visit the different e-stores if you are computer savvy or jump from one store to another while purchasing the item online. The considerations that you require making includes the cost of the item. It is a good deal if you can manage to get a quality item, an item of your choice and preference at low prices. If you make a good deal as far as retractable awnings are concerned then spend more and more time using it.

Finding The Right Apartment Building

Finding the right apartment is sometimes a difficult process. You may find one at a great location, but doesn’t have all the amenities that you’d like. You may find a great apartment but at too steep a price. On top of all that, you also have to worry about what your neighbors will be like, and whether you’ll fit in. Different apartments draw different types of crowds.

Student apartments house college students. They usually have single applicants who are put into an apartment with several other students. These apartments provide each person with smaller living space, for a smaller price. This low price is what is needed by students who are already paying enough just to go to school. Needless to say, you’re not going to enjoy living there if you’re not a student.

Some apartments try to appeal mostly to singles, and thus are called single apartments. These apartments contain one bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, and living room. They’re made to house only one person, so if you have a family living with you, this is not the apartment for you. These apartments are great for single people because they have the opportunity to mingle with other singles.

Family apartments have multiple bedrooms, and sometimes multiple bathrooms. They’re generally larger spaces to accommodate more people living in the apartment. Family apartments are a great place to raise children, as they’re surrounded by neighbors and potential friends.

It’s easy to tell which apartments cater to which type of people, provided you’re looking carefully. Whether you’re a student, a single, or have a family, there’s an apartment where you’ll fit right in.

Mental Capacities Affected With Age, Improved With Practice

They cause family members to be concerned about the ability of seniors to be left at home alone where they could wander off, lose track of time and location or forget important things like paying bills or personal hygiene.

According to findings of a recent study conducted by a psychologist at the University of Virginia, mental abilities decrease with age. Crystallized intelligence and vocabulary usage decline over time. Also notable in the study was the concept that seniors’ recognition levels are higher with practice and repetition. Another study, one conducted by scientists at the University of California in San Francisco, found that seniors who participated in brain training activities with computer games were able to improve their short-term cognitive abilities.

In direct correlation with these scientific studies, it is often believed that seniors should engage in regular mental fitness exercises. This helps them to stay mentally active, be more independent and live a safer lifestyle. While these activities go above and beyond the traditional services provided by senior home health care services, they are available. Certain at-home health care companies provide non medical care for their clients that helps them to improve their mental capacities. They participate in activities such as playing cards and board games, reading books and magazines and attending plays, lecture series and musical concerts.

Those suffering from the effects of Alzheimer’s, dementia and other mentally debilitating chronic conditions need extra supervision to ensure their safety and quality of life. Healthcare providers should have additional training to help them handle the special situations that arise with these patients. This advanced interaction focuses on enriching life by focusing on the spirit, mind, body and family of the individual. Those with specialized at-home senior care are less likely to be in danger and more likely to stay engaged in social and mental activities.

Some of the symptoms of senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease include loss of attention span, loss of vision or hearing, confusion as to where and when they are, and difficulty in identifying people and things that should be familiar. Some seniors may exhibit inappropriate behavior or poor judgment that is unusual for them. Others may become easily agitated or emotional charged. Difficulty with short-term memory and math problems are also common.

Health Insurance Representative

The health care agent will be someone with whom a person shares a lot of important information and with whom they are basically trusting their health and their life to. It is natural, then, that a person chooses someone they feel like they can communicate with openly and whom they can trust. They should also make sure that their health care agent shares the same ideas as they do. For example, if a person is into alternative medicine then they should chose a agent who feels the same. It is very useful that a person feels relaxed enough with their agent to be able to tell them all their problems and to be open and honest with them, including being able to object to something should the need arise.

Ensuring Satisfaction with a Health Care Representative

Selecting a health care agent should be a decision that is carefully made. A health care agent should be a trusted and respected person. There are some important considerations a person should make when choosing their health care agent.

Other considerations when choosing a health care representative have nothing to do with the actual doctor. A person should feel happy with the entire service, including the office staff. They should be happy with the appointment scheduling process, too.

Choosing a health care representative is a big decision that should not be made lightly. A person needs to get to know a representative before making that final decision. Once a person takes the time to choose a health care representative they should end up happy with a good, long term relationship.

The Advantages of Aparthotels

The most important benefit of staying in luxury serviced apartments is that you get the luxuries of a top hotel without spending a fortune and you get the pleasure of living in a home without the hassle having to set one up. An aparthotel is more cost-effective than a luxury hotel as well as more luxurious than a regular residential apartment. It combines the best of both worlds and you get to enjoy it all!

Aparthotels Manchester is deeply aware of the needs of the business executive.That is why the best aparthotels offer a wide range of facilities and features especially for their use. The apartments come equipped with internet, mostly Wi-Fi. There is access available to scanner, printer, fax machine, copier, etc. Typically, there is also a conference room available.

What to Look Forward To?

The best thing about serviced apartments Manchester is the experience. The look and feel of home allows you to fully relax and unwind after a busy day of work or pleasure. On the other hand, the many conveniences provided make you feel pampered and allow you to be stress-free. Whether you are in Manchester for business or pleasure, a luxury serviced apartment is an extremely welcoming option to stay at.

Location of Serviced Apartments

The first thing you will need to decide which area in the city is most central to you. You may end up traveling the entire length and the breadth of the city, especially if you are visiting the city for sight-seeing, or you may be confined to a business district if you are in the city for business. But, you will need to determine which location is best suited to you and then look for serviced apartments Manchester within that region.